Happy Days!

Silver Lining

Appreciate what  life hands you each and every day . . .

Always remember each cloud has its silver lining & just like us, it’s always shining.

I was driving along in my car today and it dawned on me how much our facial expressions can have an impact on those around us.  Think about it . . . when you see someone who is smiling and looks pleasant, doesn’t it make you feel warm and fuzzy inside?  It makes me want to smile!  All it took was one friendly face at the intersection of Catawba and Statesville for me to burst into a smile.  Driving down Statesville I began thinking about my life – – my husband, my dog, my family, my home, my job – – and suddenly the more I thought about everything, the more I couldn’t stop smiling.  I was grinning ear to ear.  When I tried to make myself stop smiling, I just couldn’t!  Happy days are here again and, I must say, it is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!  I love my life and if I could make one wish, I would wish that everyone in the world could experience the same kind of happiness that I experience on a daily basis.  So remember . . . spread happy days to those around you and SMILE!!!!! 

“Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.” 
~ Thich Nhat Hanh