Extra, Extra, Read All About It!


and . . .


Painted Beauty is now available for sale on Etsy, an amazing site filled with handmade goodness.  Etsy is an online marketplace where you can buy (and sell) items that are handmade, as well as vintage goods and crafting supplies.  Etsy’s mission is to enable people to make a living making things, and to reconnect makers with buyers.  Etsy’s vision is to build a new economy and present a better choice:

Buy, Sell, and Live Handmade!

Visit http://www.paintedbeauty.etsy.com today!

Spring has Sprung!

Get a jump on spring things with the latest trendy treasures
Painted Beauty has created!

swinging-in-sunshine-earringsSwinging in Sunshine Earrings

dream-catcher-2Follow Your Dreams Earrings

gold-flowerMorning Smiles Earrings

layered-braceletElsewhere Bracelet

woven-ringPossession Ring

beaded-cuff-2Watermelon Sorbet Bracelet


“It’s SPRING FEVER . . .
You don’t quite know what it is you DO want,
but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!” 
~ Mark Twain

Luck of the Irish

“St. Patrick’s Day is an enchanted time ~
a day to begin transforming winter’s dreams into summer’s magic.”

~ Adrienne Cook


May your life be filled with an abundance of hope, faith, love, and happiness!

Google, GO AWAY!!!


As some of you may have already noticed, Google has falsely labeled my site, http://www.paintedbeauty.com, as a malware infected site; however, if you click on the message to learn more about the “problem” you will clearly see that the site is NOT INFECTED, nor is it suspicious.  I have been fighting with Google for several weeks now trying to resolve this issue and I am greatly dismayed that nothing has been done to remove this silly message.  Please know that if you do go to my site and encounter such a message, you may enter safely into the site . . . I assure you that it is SAFE and it has been tested thoroughly by the hosting company.  With any luck, this mess will be resolved ASAP!!!

Until then, please keep visiting Painted Beauty Jewelry . . . I have been working on some very pretty pieces to add to the spring 2009 collection and I wouldn’t want you to miss out!

Oh, Baby!

Sarah Masci grey background

A very special thank you to Sarah for so graciously featuring Painted Beauty Jewelry in the MamaLuxe edition of her popular blog, BabyLuxe Daily.  It is truly an honor.  To learn more about Sarah’s multi-faceted business (Lullaboards, BabyLuxe Daily, PaperLuxe Studio, and D’Luxe Press & Design) visit http://www.sarahmasci.com!

Awaken Your Senses with Trendy Treasures!


Black & White . . . always classic, always in style.

Coral & Yellow are the warm palettes this spring . . .
look to the country of India for inspiration.

Amazonite greens & translucent turquoise look great for a cool palette.

  • Exotic and ethnic inspirations will remain a big feature for all accessories in 2009, particularly jewelry.  Think tribal jewelry . . . safari khakis as well as seed beads, chunky beads, wood, ceramics, printed and painted shell, worn finished metals, mixed color threads, plastic, and leather . . . especially if it’s handcrafted jewelry.
  • Gold is becoming more expensive amid the global economic down turn, so many women are turning to other materials as an alternative.  Silver is always popular, and brass is going to be big this year.
  • Cool yellows, greens and turquoise will be the colors of the spring and summer.   The economic gloom means you can also bank on classic black and white to capture a timeless elegance and discreet chic.  After all, some fashion jewelry trends never go away.
  • If you are feeling bold, experiment with clashing colors in your clothes and jewelry.  Mixing bold outfits with bold jewelry is one of the key fashion jewelry trends of the year.  Perhaps the goal is to banish all the financial doom and gloom. Whatever the case may be, rock it out, girl!
  • Bold statement jewelry, which was popular in 2008, will remain a hit.  Whether it is tribal jewelry, handcrafted jewelry, or big geometric designs, big is beautiful!
  • Fashion loves a good motif, and in Spring 2009, it will be the butterfly. Where there are butterflies, there are flowers. Think big flowers and butterflies!
  • Great earrings are going to be the key item for spring.  Casual, light weight, colorful chandeliers and dangles will definitely take the spotlight.
  • Jewelry with a story . . . the trend of 2008 will continue to grow as ethically-sourced jewelry continues to capture hearts and minds, as well as our eye.  Fair trade jewelry and environmentally-friendly materials are set to take 2009 by storm.
  • Cuffs and chunky bracelets are still in full swing . . . particularly, if it is a tribal jewelry look.
  • Handcrafted jewelry . . . as we question what went wrong to land us in this economic mess, it is time to go back to what is true and honest.  The value and beauty of jewelry that is handmade will be a major trend in 2009 and beyond as we begin to appreciate the beauty of artisan work over the mass-produced.

Finding Inspiration


“I would much rather have regrets about not doing what people said, than regretting not doing what my heart led me to and wondering what life had been like if I’d just been myself.” 
~ Brittany Renee

TWILIGHT ~ Inspired Jewelry

If you’re a fan, then you’re already well aware of the fact that Twilight premieres in movie theaters this Friday, November 21st.  The Twilight Saga written by Stephenie Meyer is, without a doubt, one of the most fantastically enthralling series I have ever read in my life.  There’s something MaGiCaL about these stories . . . something that draws you in and doesn’t release you until you have read the final book, the final word and yet, you still desire more.  So, you reread the books again and again in an attempt to feel fulfilled . . . sounds crazy, right?  I thought so too when everyone around me was buzzing about the books.  I was a reluctant reader indeed and now my life has been forever changed.

As a designer, I immediately felt inspired to create jewelry that correlated with each book in the series . . . I have started with earrings, but I have ideas for more . . . I always do!  Breaking Dawn, the fourth and final book in the Saga, is one that still leaves me pondering.  I have been puttering around with various design ideas for weeks and still have yet to nail anything down . . . I’ve almost got it, so stay tuned for the big reveal!


“I am like a falling star who has finally found her place next to another in a lovely constellation, where we will sparkle in the heavens forever.”  ~ Amy Tan


If you love somebody, let them go.  If they return, they were always yours.  If they don’t, they never were.”  ~ Unknown


Fire and Ice
“Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if I had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction of ice
Is also great
And would suffice.”
~ Robert Frost

Anniversary Wishes

I would like to send many, many Happy Anniversary wishes out to Rob and Cicely today as they celebrate eight years of marital bliss . . . congratulations you two love birds!


“I know not what the future holds,
but I know who holds the future . . . you.”
~ Unknown

Fall Family Fun!

“Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower.”
~ Albert Camus


“But I remember more dearly autumn afternoons in bottoms that lay intensely silent under old great trees.”
~ C.S. Lewis


“Autumn burned brightly, a running flame through the mountains, a torch flung to the trees.”
~ Faith Baldwin


“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.”
~ Emily Bronte


“Autumn, the year’s last, loveliest smile.”
~ William Cullen Bryant


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