Anniversary Wishes

I would like to send many, many Happy Anniversary wishes out to Rob and Cicely today as they celebrate eight years of marital bliss . . . congratulations you two love birds!


“I know not what the future holds,
but I know who holds the future . . . you.”
~ Unknown




May you always be warmed by
each other’s smile,
Always take time to walk
and talk awhile,
Always know deep down you’re
each other’s best friend,
And enjoy the kind of love that
grows and knows no end.



Recently, I was contacted by a dear friend of the family.  She and her husband are celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary on June 26th and she asked me to create a brooch (it’s always been her signature accessory) . . . “It will be my anniversary present from Bill to me,” she explained. 

Ladies, isn’t that wonderful?!?!  By the time you reach 65 years of marriage, you no longer have to wait and see if your husband will remember your special day . . . you will no longer have to wonder whether or not he got you something to show you how much he still cares . . . WHY? you may be asking yourself?  After that many years together I suppose you just take matters into your own hands!!!!  It’s a fabulous concept, isn’t it?!?! 

Only 60 more years of marriage to go . . .