
Design Delight!

Today, Tomorrow, Always EarringsCarousel of Love EarringsUnity Necklace

In just a few short moments, I am going to begin working on my new jewelry designs ~ I CAN’T WAIT!  (Needless to say, this entry is going to be short today!)  Do you know that yesterday I actually caught myself beaming with sheer joy because I was having so much fun sketching all of the jewelry that has been floating around in my mind?  What’s even better, my adorable husband who is beyond sweet and thoughtful surprised me over the weekend with a brand new sketch pad and a set of 50 Crayola colored pencils!!!!!  I’m in heaven!  (I really love that man!)  Must go now . . . I think I might burst from an overload of creative excitement!  Until then, let me leave you with the following thought for today:

“In our life there is a single color, as on an artist’s palette, which provides the meaning of life and art.  It is the color of love.” 
~ Marc Chagall